Derek came into Rob & Natasha’s life at just the right time.

The first lockdown had just come in, Natasha was furlough’d from work for a few months and they decided to welcome Derek - and he has kept them happy every since!

According to Rob, although Natasha is the main ‘pawrent’, they both adore him and his cheeky skittish personality - spinning around and offering his paw easily for treats - only matched by his affectionate face-licking first thing in the morning!

We loved welcoming Derek into the studio. Especially as it was on the day of his ‘pawrents’ 2nd wedding anniversary! Rob made sure that Natasha was treated to the services of our professional in-studio hair stylist and make-up artist Ayelet. And they rewarded themselves for having such a great family by investing in some beautiful Italian wall art, and prints for their parents.